Monday, June 05, 2006

Focus paper

Alright, so I checked out Tiffany Bartlett's focus paper on the No Child Left Behind Act. Having never investigated what exactly the Act aims at accomplishing and the steps it takes to do so, I was very fascinated with the information that she presented. One pillar of the act that I had no clue existed was that NCLB gives parents of Title 1 schools the option to stick with that school and receive more help or transfer to another public school and have the original school use its funds to transport the child to the new school. I thought all in all it was a good brief report; however, I would have liked to see some statistical analysis of how affective the program has been since its establishment. I am also wondering if we are allowed to give input in our own focus papers or future blogs about reccomendations for an Act such as this. I think it is a very, very ambitious plan that has great ideals, but I ponder its affectiveness. This did however give me a good visual of what we are expected to compose in the coming month, and once again I applaud Tiffany's paper.

Until next time,


Blogger Ben Guest said...

The tricky thing with transfering schools is that it has to be in the same district so for small school districts in the Delta, that have only one high school, the parents and kids are SOL.

3:36 PM  

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