Cocktail, Death Cab, Two Sisters...."Weell"
This past weekend, myself and my two future roommates headed out with a group of our 2nd year teachers in the pursuit of something that I had honestly been worrying about for a while....a place to live. Now, I had been to Jackson about two weeks earlier but only to look at my school and meet my director. And while I had a pretty good feeling about the area I was going to live and work in, I've got to admit that I wasn't absolutely ecstatic about the thought of living for 2 years in Jackson. Nothing against Jackson, I just knew nothing about it. So anyways, we left Friday afternoon and spent the day with my second year lead teacher, her roommate, and two other 2nd years. Can I refer to the other people in my class by their real names?....ah, I'll protect the identities for this blog. Anyways, so we spent day one in Yazoo City and just had some good "hang" time. My lead and her roommate went above and beyond in showing everyone the ropes and making sure we had fun. It was just what I needed. We even closed the night with me and my roommates watching a little Cocktail starring Tom Cruise and Elizabeth Shue. Don't act like you don't know the movie, or that you're in some ways too superior to enjoy Mr. Cruise singing "Addicted to Love" in a local TGIFriday's bar. My Ole Miss roommate absolutely loved it....that actually is kind of weird. Alright, Day 2 we get the first class tour from my lead and her roommate. I'm talkin', we spent the day in Jackson just exploring, looking at places, eating great food. I'm not going to lie, I've become a Jackson fan after seeeing the real Jackson. Plus, we found a place live.....just nestled in some cozy little neighborhood. I see my Massachusetts roommate just organizing a barbecue or something......and then offending everyone there....just kiddin. So let's recap....Day 1 = Mexican food/Cocktail, Mexican food/Cocktail = amazing time....Day 1 = amazing time......oh looks like somebody is a math teacher....a little transitive...Day 2 = lot of Death Cab for Cutie...probably won't listen to that for a while....alright I'm too lazy to make up another math property to describe how fun day 2 was, so I'll just be was niiiiiice. Now for Day 3......well, normally when you find out you are going to be behind schedule and you have a paper due the next day, you start perspiring a little more.....But at that moment in the car when we found we would have to stay in Jackson through lunch.....My lead looked over...and I knew what opportunity had just opened up.....I'm talking about a place where the Crisco flows like wine....I'm talkin about a place called....Two Sisters. The girls' reputations where on the line.....and they totally delivered. It capped off the perfect weekend. Oh, and then we had a flat tire, and I fell asleep writing my paper....sorry Ann
Can't wait for hide-and-go-seek with the neighborhood kids....
I am the last barman poet / I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make / Americans getting stinky on something I stir or shake / The sex on the beach / The schnapps made from peach / The velvet hammer / The alabama slammer. / I make things with juice and froth / The pink squirrel / The 3-toed sloth. / I make drinks so sweat and snazzy / The iced tea / The kamakazi / The orgasm / The death spasm / The Singapore sling / The dingaling. / America you've just been devoted to every flavor I got / But if you want to got loaded / Why don't you just order a shot? / Bar is open.
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